“I am having so many memories of drumming with my sisters! It is amazing the love and connection that can be felt while playing the drum together. It is amazing the transformation that can occur within myself when playing the drum. For me it is about holding the focus and aligning with the energy of the heart beat, the heart beat of the mother.
We have played the drum in so many ceremonies in so many places, and I have seen the union of the people that has happened. I think that this is a huge lesson I have learned, and continue to learn through ceremony, is how to be in union! How to be union with myself, with my sisters, with the planet. How to remove the obstacles that are interfering with that perfect harmony. How to shed the identities inside of myself that do not serve that connection. Because to hold and experience that connection is so beautiful and so natural, but it starts with inside myself. The drum has helped me in so many ways to find and hold that connection.
I feel like there is so much to say that I can not find words for!!
Thank you to Magdala Ramirez and all the sisters for all the times we have drummed together! I love you so much.”
Our Little Temazcalito
“Ceremonial Land! Ceremony Times!
I just love the land so much! And the ceremonies Ma has brought forth! It is there that i have seen women uncover their strengths, build a stronger version of themselves. It is there, where I have learnt about myself over and over again. The physical structures on this land are mostly built by women. And it has been a true honor to be a part of these creations.
I learnt to mix cement for the first time when we were building the Temazcalito. I’m sharing both the before and after shots of our little Temazcalito. But it wasn’t just mixing cement that was new for me. It was every physical aspect of it. I was learning to do things I never imagined I would be interested in doing nor would I have the capability or strength. So I learnt that I was capable- in the process breaking my own mindsets. In fact, it was not just the physical act of building something, I learnt the importance of intention and love behind every cement mixture, every next brick round, the importance of reverence of that connection with the great mother inside myself while i painted the inside of the temazcalito and the symbols on the outside. In the end, when we were done, the energy felt so incredibl beautiful. So I learnt how to create in this land. I learnt to hold hands with connection inside myself even when I was completely exhausted. I uncovered things i need to overcome and I had all the help and love to do it. My inner perceptions and understandings changed as I began to work on every single project. I learnt to reshape myself, to see the limitations I had defined for myself and break them. So really it wasn’t just about ‘Building the Shed’ or ‘Cleaning Cermonial space’. We, in the ways of the feminine, work in ourselves in every step of the way. All these learning are really thanks to one person, who never gave up- no matter what the obstacle was and kept going to bring forward ceremonies, working with me and all the women personally, with so much love- Ma! Thankyou!”
“What have I learnt about sisterhood?....
I’ve learnt that the more often than not, what i see in another woman is what is happening within my own self. My reactions against another are nothing more than the fights I am having within myself.
I’ve learnt the stories we often condone in others, are often happening within ourselves. That love is the true transmutation and healer.
I’ve learnt that often the filter of cultural differences, beliefs or judgements bars people from experiencing the interconnection that naturally exists.
I’ve learnt that pain, sorrows and past experiences cloud us from experiencing love in its purity. That often acting and relating from lower emotions, makes us see other women as enemies when in truth nothing could be farther from the truth.
I’ve learnt that downhill into dark emotions leads to losing any true sense of self that was achieved. Loneliness- i’ve learnt is a friend when we’ve forgotten to hold hands with our very best friend inside ourselves.
I’ve learnt that to love and embrace another more fully, one must first be able to do with same with oneself. Loving without the limitations of all paradigms, blood-family laws or cultural differences. Loving with that much open heart- with no expectations. I’ve learnt being able to love that way is my blessing. That its inherent in all human beings, only fear clouds it all.
I’ve learnt that the love of my sisters and mothers is my strength. That our intimacy, in which we share everything and anything- nothing to hide- is a true blessing! That when I am in trouble, I know we transmute it together. Heal together. We create together. That our hearts always connected through love, no matter the distances. That our connection is so strong that if I think of them, they will know it.
I’ve learnt that fear and loneliness are illusions we all buy, that we forget to reach out when we should. I’ve learnt that when I am afraid of an illusion, I can always count on my mother to destroy it and shine that light of truth so I can be again!
I’ve learnt that when I find the great mother within myself, I can see her in others. That my love for her, makes all my fears disappear. My love for her, connects me ever more stronger to all my sisters, mothers and all my family. I’ve learnt that when she guides me through that love, everything makes sense.
I’ve learnt that sisterhood doesn’t just pertain to relationship with other women, that it is a relationship with my own self that gives me the ability to relate with everything. That it has to do with love that i am by itself and my ability to comprehend that as my truth.
I’ve learnt that our value is not in the things we build in the outside necessarily, but the inner journey it took to build it matters the most. Our learnings are the true treasures.”
“Since Shrishti invited me to share my stories, I have been thinking so much about all of the amazing times I have spent with Magdala and the sisters! For me this sisterhood is pure unconditional love. Pure acceptance. Pure oneness.
Sisters from all over the world, of all ages coming together to celebrate Love.
I was so lost when I met Magdala. I did not know love. I did not know me. I was a victim. I was voiceless. I was perpetuating so much pain.
For years I would receive healings from Magdala. She would help me to return to my original self - my original vibration. She woke me up. She helped me to remember. I can never express or thank her enough for this.
Through her I met all of these beautiful sisters! Through ceremony we have cried, we have let go, we have grown, we have opened ourselves, we have held each other’s hands, we have pushed each other and ourselves to go further, we have created such incredible beauty.
One of the moments that stands out so much for me was learning ceremony songs. The lyrics - what have you done to yourself my sister. This for me was the real deal. What has happened to me can not be changed, but I can choose to be free from the pain, to face it all, my reflection and to be honest with myself, forgive myself and love myself.
Another moment - finding my voice. I was so nervous to sing. I had always been told I was a bad singer. The sisters encouraged me to sing and sing loudly. I held back for a few days and then one day something opened up and I sang like I had never sang before. I remember feeling like I had never felt before. So free, so happy, so loved! Amazing!
From rebuilding what already exists (the kiva over and over) to dancing under the moon, to signing to the new day, to cooking, cleaning and caring for one another, to sharing our dearest truths, to doing unimaginable things with ease, to loving each other and everything so fully!
Almost two years ago I gave birth to my daughter. I was in Houston, TX and all of the sisters were in ceremony. The birth of my daughter was so beautiful into the water. I could feel all of my sisters praying for me, for Stella. It was easy birth. It was this oneness. The most beautiful moment of my life and even though I was miles away I could feel them each with me holding my hand.
I am honored to be part of this tribe of women! I am grateful for each of them and their journey! I am filled with so much love for this sisterhood and for you Magdala!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!