The Golden Era Series: Harnessing the Emotional Body
"In this time you are also awakening this incredible power that is natural for the true human being. You are interconnected with everyone and in movement with everyone. But also it is the power you are embracing through that incredible entrega. So if you feel that you need to hide your shadow, because that is how you have been taught in the system and you won't be able to transmute it- in that moment, you are being it. At the moment that you are seeing it, you are transmuting it. Understand that flip in your life, in your energy- embrace that part of you that knows how to do this. Recognize that part of you in that incredible moment of the liberations. You know how to do this. There is a moment that all the centers in your body align with the one that created you. Remember that you have always been the light body- that light body, when you use it and identify with it- use it and understand that is who you are, you are not using the physical body or the programing in the physical body. it is bvery much using that light body, that heart that is connected with the universe- is using that part of you that knows how to do this." ~ Magdala Ramirez, The Golden Series: Harnessing the Emotional Body Episode.
The Golden Era Series Part 12: On Many Realms
"In the silence you can find me
in the deepest of the silence you hear the voice that guides you, the voice that loves you
in the deepest silence you remember the true human being you have always been
time have come for human beings to embrace your original vibration........"
The Golden Era Series Part 11: On Love
"It is truly love that heals, it has never been time that heals…. You are love! It is love that is taking you to to many many worlds & many encounters of yourself. Life is a journey. And that journey takes you to many place of expressing love that you are. In each one of your relations is a sacredness, which is the incredible bonding that you have with that person & that is forever...."
Read MoreThe Golden Era: Part 10
".....there is different ways of thinking. you become very inclusive. you begin to comprehend that whatever is happening to one is happening to many, to all of us together. there is a way of thinking about honor and respect to each other and as a human being, to our environment for we understand the communication with the whole creations, with flowers ,trees with everything around us - connection with stars. in this realm you can see yourself as cosmic beings. in this realm is there is the perfect balance between the male- the female....."
The Golden Era Series: Part 9
Ancient Wisdom of the Feminine
".....It is the time where you build the sisterhood even stronger. People helping people and everyone protecting the children. That incredible love and caring that you have, it comes directly form your original vibration and it is always in alignment with the great mother. ...."
Read MoreThe Golden Era Series: Part 8
"...know that through that light body that you are…you can see the things that doesn’t belong just drop from you. Hold your vibration as you encounter the highest truth about yourself for the only one that you need to reach is yourself and it is thought that alignment with what you call the great mother...."
Read MoreGolden Era Series: Part 7 - The Light Body
Ancient Wisdom of the Feminine Radio
....You are a spirit that holds a body..... This part of who you are is being awakened as you begin to tap into your light body, as you begin to use your garment, as you begin to use your medicine and do what you have come here to do.....
.......Monitoring your thoughts is way too important at this time because you are receiving all kinds of influences wherever you go. Be sure that those are your thoughts. Negative thoughts can be transmuted, by simply saying ‘I cancel that thought.......
~ Magdala Ramirez, Ancient Wisdom of the Feminine Radio
The Golden Era: A New Way to Relate Part 6
How do we raise our consciousness CONSCIOUSLY? Well, in this episode of 'Ancient Wisdom of Feminine', we get to learn about how we can overcome our inner challenges- finding 'Hooks' within us that stop us from raising our consciousness and learning what is beyond those hooks.
"What is raising our consciousness?
The great mother is inside all of you, guiding you. She is a voice that is not a bully, a voice that is about the highest good of everyones. It is a voice not judgmental or telling you what to do.When you ask her, she put things in the table for you to decide what to do.
The only one that you need to reach is yourself." ~ Magdala Ramirez
The Golden Era Series: Part 5
There is this incredible love that you are, that connects you to the highest truth available for you and living in that creates a new perception of reality...
....that incredible triad is giving you a new vision of who you are…so the old identities that have been enslaving you for all this time are leaving and the connection to that essence is bringing that integration of your own self and everything around you. ~ Magdala Ramirez