Ceremonies and Programs
Our organization has many ceremonies and gatherings of growing in knowledge of the world and ourselves. For more information or to join us in an upcoming ceremony please fill out the contact information and we will get in touch with you.
The Moondance ceremony
Moondance is an ancient ceremony where woman from different tribes come together to heal, connect, bring sisterhood together and remember their purpose in life. It is a ceremony that comes from the Mexica tradition from the ancestors, for they knew that the whole community depends on women.
Water Mother Ceremony
Our water holds the big secret. In the cycle of the water we encounter our highest truth. Like a drop of water, like a heartbeat, almost caressing, almost a whispering, almost singing, Mama is calling home. In the purity of the reflection the encounter with mother is eminent for the Mother Water is revealing her ways within her cycle her mystery is being revealed we have found her through love as it is in the purity of the reflection returning Home. This is the ceremony honoring the Mother Water. This is our time my sisters, Mothers, Grandmothers, daughters and granddaughters…Sacred Woman, from all over the world, a call for you, yes you, for you are the perfect reflection of the Mother. For within you, resides the cycle of the Mama Water Bring you flowers, for they know where they come from… for you know where you come from… You are the spring that never ends.
13 Hour of the Heart Beat of the Mother Ceremony
Thirteen Hours of Drumming is a ceremony where we do just drum thirteen hours the heart beat of the Mother. This activity brings all races together with honor and respect. We literally play the heart beat on our drum for thirteen hours. Elders from many places come to speak about the changes that need to place. People share their hearts and pray together to overcome any differences and realize where the true unity resides.
International Gathering of Women Leaders
For more information or to join us in an upcoming ceremony please fill out the contact information and we will get in touch with you.